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How we work

Your needs come first, and we believe in maximising results in the simplest way possible, using the most evolved technology and decades of expertise.

What’s it like to be a Verso client?

When you first speak to one of our experts, their friendly approach will instantly make you feel comfortable and supported. Better still will be the sense of confidence and reassurance you get from dealing with a team whose advice is based on decades of experience.

Our goal is to anticipate your needs and provide you with as much clarity as possible. By pooling our knowledge and using the latest technology, you’re assured of our very best service at all times.

Your relationship with us is intended to be long term. Through the creation of sustainable wealth, we can help you build a better future for every generation of your family and the wider world too.

All of the firms and advisors in our Group are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, as is our investment team, giving you peace of mind knowing that your money is always in safe hands.


Communicating with you

Face to face

With offices across the UK, a Verso group financial advisor is never too far away, which means we can meet with you in person to discuss your wealth management requirements in detail.

Video and phone

Post-pandemic, we’ve all seen that most things can be managed remotely, and for some this is now their preferred way to interact with our financial advice team. We’ve invested in technology to support you and make communication easier.

Your journey

Your first step towards a better financial future is to have a discussion with one of our advisors about your circumstances and your ambitions for the future. By forming a clear picture of you and your needs, our experts can make recommendations tailored only to you. In this meeting we will clearly explain the fees that may be payable with our services, so that you can decide if it’s right for you.

After you share details of your current arrangements and what you hope to achieve, our teams can really start to get to work for you. Your every need will be taken into consideration as our advisors and other specialists begin producing your bespoke plan – again with all associated fees clearly set out.

Once your plan is complete, we’ll arrange a meeting to present it to you and explain the details it contains with great clarity. If you approve of the recommendations made, your advisor will take care of putting them into action for you.

None of us can know what life will throw our way, but we can put safeguards in place to ensure we stay on course. If a situation arises or your priorities shift for whatever reason, your advisor will help you amend your plan accordingly.

Keeping you safe

When you trust a team to manage your wealth, you need to feel confident that your money is in safe hands. The security of both your finances and personal details is our main concern, and we’ve taken firm steps towards this.

We have only partnered with custodians for your assets that are strong and secure. We also have robust procedures and measures in place to ensure your data is always handled properly, in accordance with regulatory requirements and best practice. Our technology is regularly reviewed and updated so that it offers the best possible defence against cyber risks.

If you have any questions about how we hold your assets or online safety as a Verso client, our team would be very happy to provide clarity. Just contact us to let us know how we can help.

What our clients say

Over 99% of clients believe working with us has helped or will help them to achieve their financial goals.

99% of clients would recommend us to other people.

98% of clients are satisfied that we understand their needs, goals, and objectives.